Modern sawmill techniques. - 1a ed. - San Francisco, CA. : Miller Freeman, 1973 - 5 v. : il. ; 23 cm.

V.1 Proceeding of the first sawmill clinic, Portland, Oregon, february 1973 / edited by Vernon S. White V.2 Proceeding of the second sawmill clinic, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 1973 / edited by Herbert G. Lambert. V.3 Proceeding of the third sawmill clinic, Portland, Oregon, February 1974 / edited by Vernon S. White V.4 Proceeding of the fourth sawmill clinic, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 1974 / edited by Herbert G. Lambert. V.5 Proceeding of the fifth sawmill clinic, Portland, Oregon, March 1975 / edited by Vernon S. White.

0879300221 V.1 0879300248 V.2 0879300264 V.3 0879300396 V.4 0879300477 V.5

Aserraderos --Congresos

TS850 / S29 1973